Gnak Sizrack, Ysoki Outlaw Envoy
Art by GenTrigger
Gnak Sizrack, Ysoki Outlaw Envoy

Character Profile: Gnak Sizrack

Chibi Gnak, Starfinder Ysoki Envoy

Chibi Gnak, Art by Kurama-chan

Gnak Sizrack was born in the Trench City of Maro, in the very bottom of the Edaio Rift. Never did the young Gnak even dream about gazing upon the stars; such things were out of reach for Scrap-haulers. At the time, growing up with 19 siblings, cousins, and second cousins meant that Gnak, as the eldest, had to do a lot of the child-rearing. Knowing that if his parents, aunts, and uncles failed to scrounge enough parts that they would go hungry that week, a selfless Gnak felt that it was up to him to do something about their station in life.

In an attempt to help meet end’s meat, a young Gnak took to picking pockets, gifting and stealing from the miners in the levels above. So easily did the fast and charismatic Gnak take to this task that he quickly became the top bread winner in his family. A full day’s work would often bring home enough to feed the family for a whole week. Limiting himself to only the drunken and world-weary miners got boring fast. Impulsively, Gnak took on greater challenges, targeting corporations and businesses with his swindler skills. Every time that Gnak would pull off another job, his care for the spoils diminished and his love of the game itself increased.

Gnak Sizrack, Cosmic Crit

Gnak Sizrack, Character Art Courtesy ArtGian

The jobs that Gnak eventually scored took him off Akiton and into Absalom and the Diaspora. His ‘business’ of setting up heists, leading teams, and ripping through tight security systems gave him a reputation. Each job was just a game to him, though. Surely the young Gnak would never hit a snag that would throw him off his steady aim – but that’s exactly what happened during the Castrovel University Job. Everything went sideways.

“Always watch your own back” was a motto Gnak lived by. Rarely, even when working with a team, would he let any of them hold the bag or let them gain leverage over him. Evenly distributing information and responsibilities kept random crews of outlaws and criminal types in order and in the dark. A fluke in his system arose on Castrovel where his crew of three parolees hadn’t mentioned that they shared the same cell in Maximum lockup on Akiton. Larl, Cube, and Mo’ow played along in their job, but had already planned to split the Castrovel job three ways instead of four. Lucky for Gnak, he always had planned on the day when his luck would run out…

Akiton, © Paizo, Inc.

Akiton, © Paizo, Inc.

Leaving the High University city-state Gnak let his three accomplices think they had the drop on him. In advance, he had secured safe passage off the planet, and when they all met up at the safe house the three cell mates didn’t find the Ysoki waiting for them — instead, they found Lashuntan Acquisitions Authority asking why the men had priceless relics stuffed down their pants. Enjoying his ingenious plan, Gnak forgot to check his associates’ backgrounds, and it turned out the three were connected to a well-established crime family, and they burnt Gnak in certain social circles. Still, a Ysoki’s gotta eat, so Gnak tried to shake his old identity, moved to Absalom Station and started anew, in a place that is friendly to runaways and crooks.

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4 Responses

  1. Eldritchedd says:

    I think Gnak is going to be my favorite character, he sounds like one charismatic dude and it’s hilarious to see it in action!

    • Patrick says:

      Gnak only gets better. I can’t say enough how important the Culture skill is in this campaign so far.

  1. August 24, 2017

    […] Learn more about his character’s background and story here: GNAK’S CHARACTER PROFILE […]

  2. September 12, 2017

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